
It's Just a Matter of Time Before I End up Making out with a Man

Catch phrases work to hook in people. Remind them you exist and make them laugh at the same time as they now relish in your rediscovered presence. Sometimes people just need to hear someone suggest body shots or strip Brass (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/28720/brass). Even more interesting is not necessarily even when these events happen, but the realization that it's not really a big deal. Making concepts such as nudity and simulated sex, even if lewd and entirely inappropriate in a traditional sense, help fortify self confidence as well.

Here is a tentative and incomplete schedule of a typically week.
Tuesday: Dave Gets Drunk at Jameson's (bar in downtown Eugene)
Friday: The District (dance club grooving with the possibility of body shots)
Saturday: Ninkasi Saturday's (local brewery)
Sunday: Mimosa Brunch

Additionally I would at a 20-50 mile ride around Eugene on Sunday mornings and a strip board game night. Midweek looks a little bleak, although the weekend would also include intramural sports practice and games once the season begins.

Something like body shots should be a tradition along with copious amounts of Shirley Temples and Roy Rodgers', mix tapes and ridiculous self expression.

That last time I bought groceries was not as well planned as I had assumed. I ran out of fruits really quickly and was down to Matzos, peanut butter and bananas within a few days. Now I live a frustrating distance from a good grocery store, so I'll have to piggy back off of other people's runs. Maybe I can work my way into one of those really obvious give and take relationships meaning the gain is inherently obvious.

I also bought a bike, and I have to secretly admit that I really like hipster girls (or at least hipster looking, which is entirely subjective) with hands dirty from bike maintenance, construction and repair. I'm too lazy to go into too much detail because I've grown lazy in documentation. The last month or so has been pretty busy moving into my new place downtown, just a handful of blocks south of the Whiteaker. I can really only be myself and I haven't been able to really force a self image of myself onto others, but it's been a fresh start in a way that people aren't tired of my act yet. I like to think my style has changed and matured over the last four years especially.

I'm feeling pretty ambitious with respect to getting out a bit more, exercising a bit and losing my fear of failure. Who cares what happens? No one, really. People just respect you less if all you do is lay in wait like a constant sleep. My ideas haven't been so creative lately, but there are still a few things I need for my new place. Those fancy things like a shower to hold shampoo, soap and a beer or whiskey neat.

I have seen a lot of movies lately, and maybe I'll feel like talking about those soon including a David Lynch and Ingmar Bergman series along with a few classics like Sunset Boulevard, Bridge on the River Kwai, and Funny Face (definitely a change of pace).