
Quabben Datamax

T-minus the time I wake up and don't want to just but a tennis racket up my ass or a bullet in my breakfast cereal diluted gut. Spare me the gutter mouth rag of patronization, a piano out of key with wedded typefaces and implied anger if we felt the backhand of the true matter. Don't fill me with utterly hopeless hands to complete useless tasks.

As if these tasks are to be undertaken without the stress weight of those too heavily pulled down by their bags over their shoulder and their wheelchair infested swamplands. As if I could ever figure anything out and support myself in triumph and excitement. Incite the riot, swamp out the quiet.

Using a Previous Result

As it turns out, three women is indeed better than two. Even if they get bored they can entertain themselves. Wide-eyed and puppy dog fed like the desperate child owners we unfortunately will all end up enslaving with our own temptation. Craving with hunger is nothing to be afraid of and we must eradicate our listlessness, our fear of exploration. We can't stand and abide to current definitions we must enlist ourselves in new waves of periodically ineffectual boundaries of reevaluation.

Just shoot me in the head with your relentless logic and post what you employ to stave off temptation. Keep clean and supreme.