
Lithiated Lemon

Reality twists and turns to appease fears and discomforts, perhaps physical death represents the mental ability to overcome such solace. Overcome with metal lapse, Ira emptied hys glass into a container never before filled with the partially consumed substance. The overtly literal meaning of looking to the left escaped the ability of electrical impulses once ignorant of sully and overuse. The glance drained Ira's hand much as he drained the vessel. Both compartments had shattered and the contents mixed sluggishly with entire regard for the clandestine constraints of mental capacity.

"Are you going to clean that up?" Stolhm inquired.

Ira replied in terror, "Aeronautical egg putty? Oh no!"

A Well-upholstered Lady Knows Where the Bowl of Cherries Belongs

A dizzying ring around a fortuitous display of constitution sprouts from an decommissioned attempt of abeyance. As the mind replays a card game of spirits, juggling periodically copious employment of apprehension and anxiety with regards to the stakes of oscillating value, the environment speaks a common language, influenced and influencing like vessels of experience. A timid parley and languid expressions sweep across the room following the ebb of air currents and emotional jet streams. The atmosphere lies in a constant plod of a submerged, yet necessary rhythm.